If the application of your phone's Album, which we also call Gallery, is Not Working, it is not open or some other problem is coming.
Today I will tell you its solution. So read my blog carefully.
First of all, Go to your phone's settings.
Then go to More Settings.
Then go to App Manager.
Then click on the Album/Gallary application.
Then tap on force stop.
Then go to Storage.
Then you have to clear the cache.
Then click on permission.
On all the Permission that given.
By doing this, your Album or Gallery Not Working problem will definitely be solved.
If your Album or Gallery Not Working problem is not solved, then please tell us in the comment.
If you do not want to read the blog, you can also watch my video.
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Abid A-kay
Who is Abid Akay ? Abid Akay Is an indian entrepreneur ! Abid Akay has been called a "Tech genius" by "SBS Tech" and a good Knowledge about Tech. Abid's youtube Channel growing Fast, Techsore, was listed by Social Blade as a top "New Youtuber" to Subscribe" in 2020. He is a Tech expert and the founder of the Techsore blog and YouTube channel. The blade has referred to Abid's as "India's foremost expert on Tech Fixer" due to the influence of his blog, which reaches over 30.million people every year.
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