Samsung Keyboard Screen Settings In Samsung Galaxy M51

Samsung Keyboard Screen Settings In Samsung Galaxy M51

Today I am going to tell you some important settings on your Samsung M51 phone's keyboard.

Maybe some of your problems can be solved here too. So read my blog carefully.

Samsung M51 || Keyboard Setting | Samsung Mobile Keyboard

  • When our phone is new, when you are on the keyboard of your phone. When you type something on the keyboard, something else is written automatically.
  • So how do we solve this problem.
  • To solve this, we have to go to the keyboard Settings.

Samsung M51 || Keyboard Setting | Samsung Mobile Keyboard

  • Then click on Smart Typing.

Samsung M51 || Keyboard Setting | Samsung Mobile Keyboard

  • Then disable the Predictive text.
  • Then disable the Suggest Stickers While Typing. If you want.
  • Then disable the Auto Capitalize. If you want.
  • Then disable the Auto Punctuate.

Samsung M51 || Keyboard Setting | Samsung Mobile Keyboard

  • Now if you type anything, it will be the correct type.
  • Then click on 3dots.

Samsung M51 || Keyboard Setting | Samsung Mobile Keyboard

  • We get the option of clipboard here, click on it.
  • Clip board is very useful for us.

Samsung M51 || Keyboard Setting | Samsung Mobile Keyboard

  • Whatever you typed earlier in the clip board, whether it is a message or a screen shot, it gets saved automatically here. If you on the clip board. And lasts forever on your phone.
  • And whatever copy paste will be here will also be saved.

Samsung M51 || Keyboard Setting | Samsung Mobile Keyboard

  • Then go back to 3dots.
  • Here you get many things like Bitmoji, Text editing, Modes, Translate, Search, My Emoji, Mojitok, Etc.

Samsung M51 || Keyboard Setting | Samsung Mobile Keyboard

  • Click on Bitmoji, if you want smart content, you can click đŸ‘‡ here.

Samsung M51 || Keyboard Setting | Samsung Mobile Keyboard

  • Text editing means from here you can edit your text up and down. If you do not use a typical keyboard.
  • Here we get the option of Translate.

Here we get the option of Translate.

  • Here you can do Hindi to English or non-English languages.
  • You can convert whatever language you have.

Samsung M51 || Keyboard Setting | Samsung Mobile Keyboard

  • You also get modes here.

Samsung M51 || Keyboard Setting | Samsung Mobile Keyboard

  • Like Onehand mode it means that if you want to use the keyboard with one hand, you can.

Samsung M51 || Keyboard Setting | Samsung Mobile Keyboard

  • Then you get the option of floating keyboard. With floating keyboard you can move your keyboard up and down.

Samsung M51 || Keyboard Setting | Samsung Mobile Keyboard

  • And finally, standard keyboard means what we use is a normal keyboard.

Samsung M51 || Keyboard Setting | Samsung Mobile Keyboard

You can do keyboard settings this way.

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