Today in this article I'm going to tell you how to fix when your computer is shutting down while playing FIFA 23 so whenever you launch FIFA 23 or while playing FIFA 23 if your computer is shutting down or if your computer is restarting then please follow the steps written in this article.
Step 1: Go into your FIFA 23 documents, open the ini file
Now the first step is to go to FIFA 23 save game files now for this open File Explorer on the computer and then go to documents over here now open FIFA 23 folder now open this fifasetup.ini open this folder make right-click and then open with notepad now over here at the end type in these two commands.
So copy these two paste the entry over there then and then go to file and then click on Save so click on Save now once done close this now make a right click over here and then go to properties and over here put a check on read-only then click on apply click on OK Now launch the game and you have to do this every time whenever you want to play FIFA 23. so this has worked for many players so it might work for you.
Step 2: Run both FIFA 23 and origin/EA Play, in admin mode. (Epic Games Launcher user can skip this step as this may result in LS-0013 error)
Now the next step is to run both FIFA 23 and origin or EA play as an admin as an administrator now for epic games launcher users you can skip this step so if you're launching the game from EA play or origin you can run both game and the EA as an administrator now for this first of all close EA app if it is open close it if the original origin is open you can close origin once you close it now open EA app as in so now open this e app as an administrator make a right click and then click on run as administrator also launch this FIFA 23 as an administrator for this go to the game installation folder so wherever the game is installed open FIFA 23 folder make a right click on FIFA 23 and then click on run as administrator or you can simply make right click then select properties go to compatibility and then put a check on the box which is run this program as an administrator then click on apply click on OK and then launch the game and then check.
Step 3: Lock the FPS to 60 in Nvidia Control Panel and in game, Set Power Management Mode to normal, try Windowed mode, lower down graphics settings
Now the next step is to lock the FPS to 60 in Nvidia control panel so if you have Nvidia card for NVIDIA card User make a right click on the desktop and then click on Nvidia control panel now go to manage 3D settings and then go to program settings now click on ADD good find FIFA 23 over here if you find FIFA 23 selected then click on ADD selector program if you don't find it click on browse go to the game installation folder select FIFA 23 exe file now click on open now over here you can select high performance Nvidia processor scroll down for maximum frame rate you can set it to you can select this on and then you can set this as 60 so lock the FPS 260 in Nvidia control panel then click on ok now find power management mode now over here you can try optimal power or you can even go for adaptive or you can also select prefer maximum performance so check one by one so first of all try optimal power if that does not work you can try adaptive if that does not work you can try prefer maximum performance and then click on apply make sure that you click on apply First Once done now launch the game this has worked for many players so it might work for you also try launching the game in Window mode and lower down Graphics settings so switch to Window mode also go to FIFA 23 Graphics settings and then over there if everything is set to ultra you can try high you can even go for medium or low quality and then check.
Step 4: Uninstall other anti-cheats such as face-it, vanguard etc.
Now the next step is to uninstall other anti-cheat programs such as Facebook now if you have this entity installed if you have anti-cheat such as face it install uninstall it if you have Vanguard uninstall it so uninstall other anti-cheat programs and then launch the game.
Step 5: Enable debug mode in Nvidia control panel
Now the next step is to enable debug mode in the Nvidia control panel now for this again make right click on the desktop and then launch the Nvidia control panel now go to help on the top click on help and then put check on debug mode select debug mode now once you select debug mode Now launch the game.
Step 6: Close OBS
Now the next step is to close OBS now if you have OBS software installed on a computer or if not install actually what if OBS is open in the background close OBS if OBS is running make sure that you close OBS and then launch the game this has worked for the mini player so it might work for you.
Step 7: Increase the Virtual Memory
Now the next step is to increase the virtual memory foreign for this type in view Advanced system settings in Windows search box and then click on view Advanced system settings now click on the first settings and then go to the advanced tab and then click on change by default automatically manage paging file would be selected over here uncheck this box and then select the drive where the game is installed and then put a check on custom size and then for me this is working initial size is 1.5 into total Ram now check the total Ram in your computer mirror so you can open Windows settings go to system and then go to about and then over here you can see the total Ram in my case it's 8 gigabytes so it might be 16 in your case so in my case it's 8 gigabyte now you have to convert 8 gigabyte into megabyte for this open calculator on your computer and in my case total Ram is 8 gigabyte we have to convert this to megabyte into one zero two one zero two four that is 8192 megabyte so total Ram as per 8 gigabyte in megabyte it is 8192 for me so initial size is 1.5 into total Ram that is this is the total Ram into 1.5 that is 12 288 and maximum size for me it's three into total Ram now total Ram is 8192 in megabyte into three so for me it's two four five seven six enter the numbers over here and then click on set click on OK click on OK and then click on apply okay okay.
Step 8: Repair/Verify the game files on Origin/EA App/Steam/Epic game launcher
Now the next step is to repair or verify the game files on the Origin EA app or steam or epic games launcher so whichever platform you're using in my case it's the EA app so go to EA app now go to my collection now we you will see FIFA 23 click on this Three Dots and then click on repair now if you got the game on steam then I don't have the game on Steam I have the game on yeah so if you have the game on Steam I'm showing you with another game maker acting and then click on properties go to the local files tab and then click on verify Integrity of game files after the verification launch the game.
Step 9: Close origin/EA App, uninstall EA AntiCheat For FIFA 23 Now launch Origin/EA app as administrator and reinstall EA anticheat
Now the next step is to close the origin or EA app so if the EA app origin is open close it first of all exit now once you exit now uninstall e altitude for FIFA 23. now for this go to the game installation folder so wherever the game is installed open FIFA 23 open the installer folder now open EA anti-cheat folder now run this EA anti-cheat installer.exe click on yes to allow now over here from the drop-down select FIFA 23 now click on uninstall now do not click on install now Now launch EA app now you have to open EA app or origin as an administrator so make sure that you're opening the platform as an administrator so make a right click and then click on run as administrator and then launch the game now you can launch them now once you launch the game it will be asking you to reinstall EA anti-cheat so click on reinstall an anti-cheat click on yes to allow now over here you can close it now again launch once this is once EA entity installed now play the game launch the game once again it will reinstall ENT cheat click on yes to allow once again now you can start playing FIFA 23 and that should fix the problem.
Step 10: Update Windows
But still, you're facing the problem, in that case, the next step is to update Windows to the latest version so for this open Windows settings and now go to update and Security in case if you have Windows 10 or Windows 11 click on Windows update and then click on check for an update over here and once all the updates are installed click on restart a computer and then launch the game.
Step 11: Allow the game exe to antivirus program or Windows Security & Firewall
Now the next step is to allow the game exe file to antivirus program so if you have any third-party antivirus make sure that you allow the game exe file to your antivirus program now if you are using Windows security then open Windows settings and if you have Windows 10 click on update and security if you have Windows 11 you will have an option privacy and security on the left hand side for Windows 11 click on privacy and security Windows 10 click on update and security and then go to Windows security now click on virus and thread protection now click on manage ransomware protection now click on allow an app through control folder access click on yes to allow now click on ADD and allowed app then click on browse all apps now go to the game installation folder so open the FIFA 23 folder now select the game exe file now click on open once this is added again click on add an allowed app browse all apps and then select this trial exe file then click on open and then click on browse all apps once again select this EA entity and then open browse all apps now open this installer folder and then open this entity select this exe click on open Now launch the game.
Step 12: Delete the save game file, this will result in loss of game progress
Now the next step is to delete the save game file but when you delete the save game file you will lose all the game progress so still if you want to delete this has worked for many players so it might work for you so go to documents make a right click on FIFA 23 and then click on delete now once you delete it now launch the game once again but you have to start everything from scratch.
Step 13: Player Using Xbox Controllers: Install Xbox Accessories and update the controller
Now the next step is to is for the player using the Xbox controller install the Xbox accessories app now open the Microsoft store on your computer now once Microsoft store is open find the Xbox accessories app so type in Xbox accessories app over here and then click on Xbox accessories over here and if this is not installed you will see install option or get option so install Xbox accessories app and then open it and then connect your Xbox controller using a USB cable to your computer and then let it load make sure that your Xbox controller is connected using the USB now click on this three Dot and over here you will see if an update is available you will see update now option so in my case, I've already updated so you can still click on it and then you can click on continue and let the update complete foreign is complete you can launch the game once again.
Step 14: Do a clean installation of graphics driver
Now the next step is to do a clean installation of your graphics driver so if you have Nvidia card go to Nvidia website if you have AMD card go to AMD website I am showing for NVIDIA so go to Nvidia website then select your graphic card make sure that you select your graphic card over here and then select the right operating system so if you have Windows 10 select Windows 10 if you have Windows 11 select Windows 11 then click on start search and then scroll down the latest one right now here you can see GeForce game ready driver the latest one is five to seven period five six this is the latest one right now so whichever is the latest click on get download and then click on download now and once the download is complete run this exe file and then you will see the screen now click on agree and continue and then put a check on the box which says custom so put a check over here and then click on next and then put a check on the box which says perform a clean installation and let the installation complete.
Step 15: Install Visual C++ Files
Now the next step is to install the Visual C++ file for this copy this link the link is provided in the video description open this link in a browser it will take you to Microsoft website over here you can see Visual Studio 2015 17 19 and 22 download x86 also download x64 so download x86 and x64 version and run both the exe file now if you see the repair option click on repair if you see the install option click on install click on yes to allow run the second file as well again if you see repair option click on repair if you see the install option click on install in my case I have already installed I have to restart the computer so once installed you will see a restart option so make sure that you restart your computer after this and after the system restart launch the game.
Step 16: Install Media Feature Pack: If you are using N versions of Windows or switch normal Windows 10/11 editions
Now the next step is to install media feature pack so if you are using n version of Windows then install media feature pack now for this copy this link the link is provided in the video description open this link in a browser again it will take you to Microsoft website now scroll down over here you can see Windows 10 and Edition user open Windows settings then go to apps and then click on optional features over here and then click on add a feature now over here type in media feature pack now I don't have Windows 10 in addition I have Windows 10 home so I don't have this option if you have Windows 10 in addition when you type in media feature pack you will see media feature pack put a check on the box and then click on install on the bottom and once installed now restart the computer and then launch the game similarly if you have Windows 11 then open Windows settings go to apps optional features then click on view features and then type in media feature pack install it to restart a computer and then launch the game or if you are able to if you can you can switch to normal Windows 10 or 11 Edition and then launch the game.
Step 17: Laptop users with dual graphics card run the game on dedicated graphics card
Now the next step is for laptop users with dual graphic cards to make sure that they run the game on the dedicated graphic card now for this type in graphics settings in the Windows search box and then click on graphic settings now click on browse go to the game installation folder once again open the FIFA 23 folder select this exe file now click on ADD once the game is added you go to options select high performance now click on Save again click on browse and select this trial one if you have and then click on options select high performance Now launch the game.
Step 18: Disconnect HOTAS, joystick, multiple monitors, unplug all the USB devices
Now the next step is to disconnect hotels so if you have these if you have multiple controller connected to the computer if you have multiple monitor setup try launching the game on single monitor unplug all the USB devices which you are not using so if you have these devices connected disconnected also if you have these software running close this software so make sure only the game and the EA app is running or only the game or steam or epic games launcher is running so and rest close everything including all the browsers also remove the Underwood So if you have under voted your computer you can remove the underworld and then launch the game.
Step 19: Disable Steam Overlay, close all the overlay (Discord/GeForce Experience) and overclocking application, perform Cleanboot
Now the next step is Disable Steam Overlay for this I don't have the game on Steam but I'll tell you with another game make a right click on the game select properties uncheck the box which says enable the steam overlay while in game do this for FIFA 23 and also close all the overlay applications so if you have Discord running close Discord if you have GeForce experience running close G Force experience if you have AMD overlay on turn off AMD overlay so close all the oval application also close all the overclocking application so if you have MSI afterburner running close it if you have revert tuner running close it so close all the overclocking application also perform clean boot for this type in system configuration in Windows search box and then click on system configuration now go to the services Tab and then put a check on the box which says hide all Microsoft Services make sure that you put a check over here first and then click on disable R now click in my case this is gradeup I already did it in your case this should be highlighted so put a check on hide all Microsoft Services then click on disable all now click on apply click on OK you will see a restart option restart a computer and then launch the game.
Step 20: Uninstall, delete the game folder and Reinstall the game to the different drive
Now the next step is to uninstall the game so uninstall game after you uninstall delete the game installation folder delete the game folder from the game installation folder restart computer and after the system restart reinstall the game on different drives so if you have another SSD or HDD then try installing the game to a different drive and then check.
If you have any doubt, then comment to me, I will tell you the solution to that doubt.
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