I will tell you different methods on how you can easily fix the app not installed error each time when you try installing an app or apk that you downloaded either from chrome or any other platform so I'll be taking you through different solutions that you can try to have this error fixed.
So for example I'm trying to install this WhatsApp APK but it shows "app not installed" so I'll be taking you through different solutions on how to fix that.
Method 1: Check the Device's Storage
So the first solution is for you to First make sure that you have enough storage on your device that is the internal storage should be sufficient so you go to your file manager and then you try checking some of the apps that you do not want to use and you install I mean and you uninstall them so that you create enough space so because sometimes this error comes when you do not have sufficient storage on your internal memory so the other thing you can do is to clear cached files so that still it'll create some space so then after freeing up space you can try installing and if it still doesn't work the.
Method 2: Allow Installation of Unknown Apps
The second solution is for you to allow installation of unknown apps on Chrome so you open your phone settings and then you select apps and notifications apps and notifications and then you select Chrome so then under Chrome you scroll down to the bottom and then you click install unknown apps so if you find that that option is disabled you make sure that you enable it so you turn it on so that you'll be able to install apps downloaded from chrome so you can do this for any other app that you use.
Method 3: Turn Off Play Protect of Play Store
The third solution if after trying that still, it doesn't work you open your Play Store app and then you click on your profile icon at the top right corner of Play Store then select play to protect so by default you might find it's turned on so you click on that settings icon at the top right corner that gear icon then you turn off play protect so after turning it off you can turn it on after you've installed.
Method 4: Clear Google Play Store and Play Services Cache
The fourth solution is for you to clear the Google Play store and Play services Cache so you open your phone settings go to apps and notifications and then you click to see all apps then scroll down to where there is Google Play Store so you click on it then under storage you clear its cache [Music] so after doing that you go back to the list of apps and then you select Google Play services then still under storage you also clear cache so than the other thing still under the list of apps that you can do when you see at the top right corner there are those three dots so you click on those three dots at the top right corner then you select show system then under that you scroll down and select package installer so you find most of them are arranged alphabetically so scroll down select package installer then under its storage you clear cache so having done that you can try installing the app.
Method 5: Reset App Preferences
The final solution which I don't recommend in most cases but when you have no option you can try is to reset app preferences you open your phone settings then select apps and notifications select to see all apps then now at the top right corner where there are those three dots you click on them and then you select reset app preferences so you won't use I mean you won't lose your data but the app preferences will change but after installing the app then you can change them back to the way they were so after trying all that you can go back and install your APK and I believe by this time it will work.
So one of the solutions should help you to get rid of the error so that'll be all thank you so much for your precious time and please appreciate our work through your valuable comment.
If you have any doubt, then comment to me, I will tell you the solution to that doubt.
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