Today in this article I will to tell you how to download and install trial version of wild Hearts game on your Xbox console.
Now first of all make sure that you have active Game Pass subscription so make sure that you have the subscription and then on the home screen open Microsoft store on your console now once you open Microsoft Store you have to go to search so select the search option on Microsoft store now in the search box type in Wild hearts so search wild Hearts game now once you search wild hearts on the top over here you can see Wild Hearts game so select the wild Hearts game now over here you can see Wild Hearts includes wild Hearts standard edition and it's not giving you an option for trial version now still you go ahead and select Wild Heart standard edition now once you select it over here you can see install free trial I'm doing this for the second time that's why I see over here but in your case the first option will be to buy it will be like this buy to own and then you will see choose addition and the third option will be install free trial so you have to select the option which says install free trial with EA play it will be written free trial with EA play so you have to select the free trial one it may be third option over here in my case it's choose addition in your case will be free trial with EA play so install free trial select it now over here select install all or you can choose what to install I'm selecting install all now away you can see installing the you can select that now over here you can see wild Hearts installing so it will start the installation now over here you can see download head just started so this is how you can download and install Wild Hearts game the free trial version on your Xbox console which comes with EA play just make sure that you have active Game Pass subscription.
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