Fix The Texas Chain Saw Massacre Error The Supplied Credentials Are Invalid On PC

Fix The Texas Chain Saw Massacre Error The Supplied Credentials Are Invalid On PC

Fix The Texas Chain Saw Massacre Error The Supplied Credentials Are Invalid On PC

Here's a detailed step-by-step solution to help you fix the "The supplied credentials are invalid" error in "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre" game on PC:

Step 1: Double-Check Your Credentials:

  1. Ensure that you're entering the correct login credentials (username and password).
  2. Pay attention to capitalization, spaces, and any special characters.

Step 2: Verify Internet Connection:

  1. Ensure that your PC is connected to a stable and active internet connection.
  2. Check if you can access other websites or online services to confirm your internet is working.

Step 3: Restart the Game:

  1. Close "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre" game completely.
  2. Relaunch the game from your preferred platform.

Step 4: Clear Cached Data:

  1. Open the "File Explorer" on your PC by pressing Win + E.
  2. Navigate to the following path:
    Replace "USERNAME" with your actual Windows username.
  3. Delete any files related to cached or saved credentials.

Step 5: Check for Updates:

  1. Make sure you're using the latest version of "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre" game.
  2. If updates are available, download and install them.

Step 6: Disable VPN or Proxy:

  1. If you're using a VPN or proxy service, disable it temporarily.
  2. Try logging in again without any VPN or proxy.

Step 7: Check Antivirus/Firewall Settings:

  1. Temporarily disable your antivirus and firewall software.
  2. Try logging in again to see if the error persists.
  3. If successful, add exceptions for the game in your antivirus/firewall settings.

Step 8: Verify Account Status:

  1. Make sure your game account is in good standing and hasn't been suspended or banned.
  2. If you suspect an issue with your account, contact the game's official support.

Step 9: Contact Support:

  1. If the issue remains unresolved, contact the game's official support.
  2. Provide them with details about the error message and the steps you've taken to troubleshoot.

Always exercise caution when adjusting game settings or system configurations. Back up important data before making changes, and avoid downloading files from unofficial sources. If you're uncomfortable with any step, consider seeking help from someone with technical expertise.

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