How To Copy Profile URL on Instagram

How To Copy Profile URL on Instagram

In this article, I will show you how to copy  Instagram profile URL so welcome to another article of Techsore.

How To Copy Profile URL on Instagram

On Instagram there is no option for copying URL so you need to go to your any browser like Chrome browser I'm going to Chrome browser so just open the browser click on the address bar now type Instagram .c slash tex2 slash your username your Instagram account username so mine is Tex SW tore 2 so just type in /you username I have put my username and just click on this and now see my Instagram is here my account is this so this is the correct URL for Instagram so just click on this address bar click on this copy icon and you have cop coped your Instagram URL just go back open new tab and paste your URL and see that is the correct URL so in this way you can copy your Instagram profile URL.

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