"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Marvel's Midnight Suns\MidnightSuns\Binaries\Win64\MidnightSuns-Win64-Shipping.exe" %command%
So for this go to steam make a right click on the game select properties and under General over here you can see the launch option now if the game is installed in C drive then you can copy this command copy this paste it over here if the game is installed in C drive you can use this location paste it over here and then launch the game it will skip the 2K launcher now if the game is installed in some other drive if the game is installed in D drive you can use this location so make a right click over here select properties so over here if the game is installed in another drive then you simply change the name of the drive so if the game is installed in D drive so in my case the game is installed in right so if the game is installed in D drive you can change the letter over here as if the game is installed in E Drive you can change them later over here E so just change the drive over here and then launch the game it will straight away launch the game.
So over here you can see it skipped the launcher and it is launching the game without the launcher so you can try this now if you don't want to use this method so in launch option if you don't want to use any kind of commands over here then you remove this you there is another method you can go to the game installation folder make a right click select manage then click on browse local files it will straight away take you to the game installation folder now use this exe file over here you can see midnight suns.exe make a double click and launch the game from here so over here you can see the game is launching without 2K launcher so I can see the game launching over here so you can see it's launching without the launcher so let me close this now use only this exe file do not use exe file from this folder for me when I'm launching the game from here using this EXE the game is launching without 2K launcher now if you open midnight Suns and then open binary has been 64.
If you launch using this exe it will open a 2K launcher and for me, it's opening so over here you can see it's opening the 2K launcher so when I'm using this location when I'm using this shipping exe it's opening the 2K launcher this is happening for me but if I'm launching the game using the using this exe file this one the game is launching without the 2K launcher so you can either launch the game from game installation folder using this exe file or you can use this command.
"F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Marvel's Midnight Suns\MidnightSuns\Binaries\Win64\MidnightSuns-Win64-Shipping.exe" %command%
If the game is installed in C drive you can copy and paste it in the launch option over here if the game is installed in C drive you can use this command now if the game is installed in another drive maybe F drive or D drive or e Drive simply change the name of the drive over here and copy everything and paste it in the launch option and then launch the game it will skip the 2K launcher.
So that'll be all thank you so much for your precious time and please appreciate our work through your valuable comment.
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