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If you're facing issues with voice or audio messages in Telegram, where either your voice isn’t being heard by the recipient, or you can’t hear the voice messages you receive, here’s a simple guide to fix the issue.
### Step-by-Step Process:
1. Open App Settings:
- Long press on the Telegram app icon on your phone.
- Tap on the "App Info" option or the "i" icon to access the settings.
2. Check Microphone Permissions:
- In the app settings, click on Permissions.
- Find and select the Microphone option.
- First, choose "Don't Allow" to deny microphone access.
- Then, go back to the app info page, return to Permissions, and now select Microphone again.
- Set it to "Allow only while using the app." This will refresh the microphone permissions for Telegram.
3. Clear Cache:
- Go back to the main settings page and scroll down to Storage.
- Do not click on Clear Data, as it will delete your chats. Only select Clear Cache. Clearing cache will refresh the app without affecting your chats or data.
4. Update Telegram:
- Open the Play Store (or App Store for iOS users).
- Search for Telegram.
- If there’s an update available, tap on Update to install the latest version.
5. Restart Your Phone:
- After following these steps, restart your phone to apply the changes.
By refreshing the microphone permissions, clearing the cache, and updating the app, your Telegram voice and audio message issues should be resolved.
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