Fix Xbox Game Pass Games Not Installing Error Code 0x800706d9 On Xbox App/MS Store

Fix Xbox Game Pass Games Not Installing Error Code 0x800706d9 On Xbox App/MS Store

Here's a step-by-step detailed solution for resolving the error code 0x800706D9 when trying to install games from the Xbox app or Microsoft Store on your Windows computer:

Step 1: Log In with the Same Account

  • Open Microsoft Store.
  • Click on your profile icon and sign out.
  • Sign in with the same account.
  • Open the Xbox app.
  • Sign out and sign in with the same account.

Step 2: Check Date, Time, and Time Zone

  • Right-click on the date and time in the bottom-right corner.
  • Click "Adjust date and time."
  • Ensure "Set time automatically" and "Set time zone automatically" are turned on.
  • Click "Sync now."

Step 3: Install the Game from Different Sources

  • If installing from the Xbox app, try installing from Microsoft Store Library.
  • If installing from Microsoft Store, try installing from the Xbox app.

Step 4: Run PowerShell Command

  • Type "PowerShell" in Windows search and run it as administrator.
  • Paste the provided PowerShell command.
  • Let the process complete (ignore any red errors).

Step 5: Delete Microsoft Store Local Cache

  • Open File Explorer.
  • Navigate to C:\Users<YourUsername>\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.WindowsStore_8wekyb3d8bbwe.
  • Right-click on the "LocalCache" folder and delete it.

Step 6: Repair or Reset Xbox App and Microsoft Store

  • Open Settings.
  • Go to "Apps" or "Apps & Features."
  • Locate Xbox app, click on it, and choose "Repair."
  • If the issue persists, try "Reset."
  • Repeat the process for Microsoft Store.

Step 7: Update Xbox App and Store

  • Open Microsoft Store.
  • Click on "Library" on the bottom left.
  • Click on "Get updates."
  • Install all available updates.

Step 8: Update Windows to Latest Version

  • Open Settings.
  • Go to "Update & Security."
  • Click "Check for updates."
  • Install any available updates.
  • Restart your computer after the updates.

Step 9: Run WSReset Command

  • Type "wsreset" in Windows search and run it.
  • This will open Microsoft Store.

Step 10: Uninstall and Reinstall Xbox App and Microsoft Store

  • Uninstall the Xbox app and then Microsoft Store from "Apps" or "Apps & Features."
  • Run PowerShell as administrator.
  • Paste the command to reinstall Microsoft Store.
  • Install the Xbox app again.

Step 11: Update TLS Settings

  • Type "inet cpl.cpl" in Windows search and run it.
  • Go to the "Advanced" tab.
  • Check "Use TLS 1.0," "Use TLS 1.1," "Use TLS 1.2," and "Use TLS 1.3."
  • Click "Apply" and "OK."

Step 12: Rename WPSystem and WindowsApps Folders

  • Take ownership of the "WPSystem" folder.
  • Rename it to "WPSystem.old."
  • Take ownership of the "WindowsApps" folder.
  • Rename it to "WindowsApps.old."

Step 13: Start Relevant Services

  • Open Services (type "services.msc" in Windows search).
  • Start the IP Helper, Xbox services, Windows Update, Gaming Services, Microsoft Store Install Service, and Background Intelligent Transfer Service.

Step 14: Update Windows to the Latest Version

  • Use the Media Creation Tool to update Windows 10 or 11.
  • Download the tool from the provided link.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to update your operating system.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the 0x800706D9 error and successfully install games from the Xbox app or Microsoft Store on your Windows computer.

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